Offering quality childcare for 0 - 5 year olds
We're open Monday to Friday, 7 am to 6.30 pm
We offer 1140 hours funded hours for ages 3 to 5
Welcome to the place where our success story started from, our flagship branch in East Mains Industrial Estate, Broxburn. Wee Gems was launched in July 2005 after nine month preparation and planning which just like the pregnancy it had many ups and downs and the final opening week was just as hard as giving birth, however the outcome just like having your little Gems was very satisfying.
Wee Gems has become the West Lothian’s leading and most talked about childcare centre in a very short space of time and we have set totally new standards for our sector.
West Lothian’s leading and most talked about childcare centre
We keep you informed through the Famly software that records child's development.
1140 hours free funded hours is available subject to availability of places at the nursery.
Wee Gems has won many awards including West Lothian Chamber Of Commerce’s Business Excellence Award.
Wee Gems has become the West Lothian’s leading and most talked about childcare centre in a very short space of time and we have set totally new standards for our sector.